Monday, June 27

Rants rants rants.

"It is not our abilities that show what we truly are. It is our choices,"
-Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets (JKR) 2002.

I do wish his saying applies-
at my school, at least :(

*now you know the sign. Everytime he^ pops up in a post, that means I'm ranting about something unpleasant about my school again so yeah. You wouldn't want wasting your time D:*

Weeks ago we received our report books and got up to 11th grade. Based on our subjects and how well we perform on each of it the teachers decide on whether we'll be attending the natural science class or the society science class. The natural science's generally harder - with Math, Physics and such all bundled there to make you bald and it's certainly more straining than society science's. Those whose scores aren't sufficient to fit in NS are set instead in SS, and the other way around I guess, though with much lesser possibility since generally subjects in NS are harder to cope with and what students (or I) usually fear of.
This sort of shape up an assumption that students who got sorted into NS are all smarties and intels, while those who got into SS are not more than below them. I couldn't cross it myself, sometimes I can't help but to thought the same, but it's sort of unfair.

I got sorted into SS, thanks to Physics. It's not that I'm not pleased with this, the subjects over here are far more easier to get through and I just hate the thought to spend another two years using hundreds of Math formulas to form what turned out to be wrong answers if I got into NS, the teachers can't even fully guarantee that I'll find any use of them in the future (if I do need them, there's a high chance I forgot most of it anyway). But I've heard those who wanted to get into NS even though the teachers and headmistress had listed them down flat in SS. And when I see who they are, they're absolutely no idjets - they're smart people, witty guys and brilliant girls who would perfectly fit into those number calculatings and formulas.
But when they went to the headmistress to ask for a change in their position, I heard, she stubbornly refused; owing to the mere fact that the numbers written in their report books are not quite high to fill in the requirements to be in NS.

If I just had my peak of peak, I'll storm into her office and aid those who wanted to switch class with itchy hands. I mean, yeah some of their scores aren't adequate, but they clearly got the will. There aren't many of other students who would want to get into NS - even those who are already sorted into the class begged to be in SS instead proclaiming that they can't stand it if they have to be in NS. What's so wrong with one low score so bad you won't let them in a class they'd most enjoy studying? They had the right to voice what they wanted and to choose how they'll walk their way, what's in them teachers and headmistress to be so stubborn over their choices, overseeing student's rare determination just for some silly red numbers; it's not like it's assured they're gonna be national criminals in the future if they got in NS D:

I got.. sort of disappointed.
Written proof of numbers is the only thing they set as their base without even contemplating with the students' potentials and dedications; it's as if they never wanted to have faith in their students from the first place. They didn't weigh things over, especially as fully-matured adults alot of younger people supposed to look up to.
I'd love to someday ask them to read what Dumbledore had said in the novels and films :3
But then again, maybe I'm just being overdramatic about this matter xD Things that involve teachers and their 'ways' insult me often personally as a student - tend to take things dead serious about smallest matters even.
I just had the thought that teachers are supposed to be respectable because of their deeds and attitudes; to be right in most things especially because they are teachers. I know they're human - they make mistakes and those cliches, but at least they're bound to be more right than us, their students :(

And also,
I just heard some good news from one of my friends.
Said the school's bit fancied for the new term - the school owner had the pipes and things re-painted. Colors much more better than previous layers. That's saying something.
Colorsssss yeeeaaaaayhhh
I don't even want to think how many more vases that man bought this time, that school owner..

-I'm so cruel D: Sorry about being bitchy again, I need to let this out-

- xxxxx -

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